
Escrow 101

Today, you sign a contract to buy or sell a house. And someday, the house will be officially sold (or purchased). That waiting period between “today” and “someday” is commonly called “escrow.”


The buyer may need to get a loan.


The seller may have his or her own loan that must be paid off from the proceeds of sale.


And certain property conditions might need to be inspected, verified or even repaired.

Almost all real estate contracts have


In other words, while buyers want to buy, and sellers want to sell, there are issues and items that have to be verified, resolved and completed before a deal can be finalized.

All of those contingencies are worked out during the escrow period when we (as the “escrow holder”) serve as the central point of contact for gathering money, documents and data.

And most


we’re neutral!

We don’t take anyone’s side … we take everyone’s side and work through the issues to help close the sale.

So how do you pass Escrow 101 with flying colors?

The answer is Forefront Escrow.

Our Pledge

Is Clear

We care. We communicate. We consult. We close.

Who can handle escrow?

What  is 
Forefront Escrow?

What  makes working with us Special?